All Tukwila Rental Property Owners Are Required To Adhere To These GuidelinesIdeal Inspection Service, LLC Is An Authorized Rental Housing Inspector For Tukwila

Note: The following text is taken directly from the Tukwila.gov website to ensure accuracy and relevance regarding the rental property inspection requirements. All rights are attributed to tukwila.gov.
In order to ensure safe and healthy housing for tenants, Tukwila requires all owners of residential rental property to obtain an annual Rental Business License and an inspection of every unit once every four years. This applies to large multi-family developments all the way down to single-family houses, condominiums and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU or “mother-in-law” apartments) which are rented to tenants. All rental business licenses expire on December 31st each year and must be renewed annually.
Tenants may contact the City to determine if the rental property they are occupying is properly registered and up to date on inspections by calling 206-431-3671.
Rental Business License annual fees are:
- $ 60 for properties with up to four units
- $175 for properties with five or more units
Rental Unit Inspections
Rental inspections of each rental unit are required once every four years. The inspection year is assigned at the time of registration and is based on geographic location. Click HERE for an inspection zone map.
The purpose of the inspections is to insure that all rental units are safe, healthy and suitable for occupancy. The inspectors check for properly working door locks, functional appliances, windows that are intact and that open, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, adequate emergency escape routes, and other items. Click HEREfor a copy of the inspection checklist used for these inspections.
Rental Inspections for small properties (up to four units) may be performed by either a City Inspector or a private inspector meeting certain qualifications and pre-approved by the City. Inspections of larger complexes must be performed by a private inspector. A private inspector must have at least one of the following credentials:
- Washington State Licensed Architect
- Washington State License Home Inspector
- Certified AACE Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector
- Certified ICC Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector
- Certified ICC Residential Building Code Inspector
A list of currently approved private inspectors can be found HERE. If you wish to hire a private inspector NOT on this list, contact the City of Tukwila (206-431-3671) to obtain approval BEFORE the inspections are conducted.
The inspection fee for inspections performed by City inspectors is $50/unit. Units that are occupied by a Section 8 tenant are exempt from the City inspection requirements, however the owner must submit documentation regarding current Section 8 occupancy. Section 8 unit owners must still obtain an annual business license.
For more information, please call 206-431-3671 or via email toCodeEnforcement@TukwilaWA.Gov.