Multi-Family Rental Property and RRIO Compliance Inspections For The Greater Seattle Area What Is RRIO?Schedule An Inspection
Our inspectors are “Private Qualified Residential Housing Inspectors” Licensed by the City of Seattle to perform the Rental Registration Inspections in Seattle. At Ideal Inspection Services LLC in Seattle, our primary goal is to provide property owners, property managers and lenders prompt, courteous and thorough inspection of the Rental Properties. We have performed over 3000 of these types of inspections range from REAC, HUD and Section 8. We have provided information throughout our site available at the DPD web site, but please check monthly for any updates with the City of Seattle DPD.
Ideal Inspection Services, LLC services the entire Seattle metropolitan area and surrounding major cities. For the most experienced multi-family inspection choose Ideal Inspection Services, LLC.
What Is RRIO?
The Rental Registration and Inspection Ordinance (RRIO) was established by the Seattle City Council after an extensive public involvement process. RRIO helps ensure that all rental housing in Seattle is safe and meets basic housing maintenance requirements. Starting in 2014, all rental property owners in Seattle must register their properties with the City. Inspectors will make sure all registered properties comply with minimum housing and safety standards at least once every 10 years.
Why Does Seattle Need It?
The 2009 American Housing Survey (part of the U.S. Census) showed that an estimated 10 percent of Seattle-area rental housing has “moderate to severe” physical problems. Seattle has approximately 148,000 rental housing units. Some of these rentals do not meet minimum housing standards. Historically, Seattle relied only on a complaint-based system to address rental problems. RRIO creates a system to address issues, even when renters do not complain. RRIO will also increase awareness of housing standards among existing and future property owners, managers, and renters. For more information on the program visit www.seattle.gov/RRIO.
Who will do RRIO Inspections?
Seattle will require rental housing inspections beginning in 2015. Property owners may choose to use a private qualified rental housing inspector to meet the RRIO inspection requirement. The inspector must have at least one of these certifications:
- American Association of Code Enforcement Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector certification
- International Code Council Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector certification
- International Code Council Residential Building (Code) Inspector certification
- Washington State home inspector certification under RCW 18.280
RRIO Inspection Pricing
Please contact us for a price quote. Rates are subject to the number of units and the inspection requirements.